

In a world full of endless choices it is hard to know if we are making the right consumer decisions for our family and the environment.

Not every product has to be transparent about its effect on us and the earth, but it is our right to make informed decisions about products we are putting into our homes and releasing out into the environment.

This website was created to try and help you choose natural, eco-friendly and healthy products while shedding some light on the finer details to help us become smarter consumers.

We want to make smart shopping more simple by highlighting keywords that you want to avoid in products, and telling you all the things that companies may not want you to know, while answering questions that will help you understand exactly what it is you are purchasing.

We will do the hard part, all you have to do is ask the questions and rest knowing that you made the best decision for your family and for the earth.

Because you deserve the truth, and the earth deserves protection.


*We are not affiliated with any product or company mentioned on this blog*