Choosing an Eco-Friendly Toothbrush


Approximately 1 billion toothbrushes are thrown away every year in just the United States. Imagine the global waste produced from plastic toothbrushes. Most toothbrushes are made from polypropylene plastic and nylon, both of which are non-renewable fossil fuels. Therefore, we made this easy guide that will help your transition to an environmentally-friendly toothbrush.

Don’t need any more convincing? Jump ahead to our recommendations!

Why Is This Waste So Bad?

Plastic ends up in waterways and washes into the oceans. Furthermore, animals mistake plastics for food which harms them, and as a result can end up inside us. Additionally, if the plastics are not eaten by wildlife they break down in seawater and remain there. Unfortunately, this adds to the 150 million metric tons of plastic currently circulating the oceans. A staggering 8 million metric tons of plastic are added to this annually.

The Good News!

Be part of the solution! You use about 300 toothbrushes in your lifetime which is about 12 pounds of plastic. Yes, this might seem like a small number when you’re up against millions of metric tons. But just imagine if everyone you know switched to using an environmentally-friendly toothbrush! You have the power to make many small changes that will add up.

Plastic Alternatives


Most companies use bamboo as a plastic alternative. Bamboo can be composted because it decomposes naturally. Unfortunately, most bristles are still made out of nylon and therefore must be pulled out of the brush before composting. Moreover, you can up-cycle the bamboo for projects around the house.

Click the images below for our top picks.

GoWoo’s water resistant compostable handle & BPA-Free bristles
Arashi Goods 100% sustainable bamboo handle & BPA-Free bristles
LaBoos Beautiful Compostable Handle w/ High-Grade soft bristles


Cellulose is made out of plant by-products and can be composted. This material is easy to source sustainably and breaks down quickly. However, most products still contain non-compostable nylon bristles.

Click the images below for our top picks.

Radius’s cellulose handle and oversized head with plant based nylon bristles
Germany based Biobrush’s cellulose based and recyclable handle w/ castor oil based bristles

Not only compostable but e
very purchase gives a toothbrush to someone in need!
Handle made from compostable wheat straw w/ charcoal bristles

What are “natural bristles” made from?

If pulling out the bristles is not for you, never fear! There are plenty of options on the market. For example, some companies boast natural bristles and use boar’s hair for a 100% biodegradable toothbrush.

Click images below for our top picks.

Bamboo & Boar’s 100% biodegradable–No nylon or petroleum brush with boar hair bristles
Cebra’s beech wood handle w/ boar bristles is 100% biodegradable

White Smiles toothbrush decomposes in under a year. They also give to the Ocean Cleanup Project!

Beware of “biodegradable bristles”


If a company claims to use “nylon-4” chances are they don’t. Nylon-4 is claimed as a biodegradable petroleum-based plastic, but it has only ever been tested in a lab setting. Consequently, the actual breakdown in environmental conditions are unknown. In addition, the use of petroleum is not environmentally-friendly.


Most bristles are made from “nylon-6” which is not biodegradable. No matter what nylon is used, don’t compost the bristles until an eco-friendly version exists. But, have hope! We are progressing toward this quickly. Look for 62% castor bean oil and nylon bristles, as they drastically cut down the use of plastic.

Charcoal Enhanced Bristles

The charcoal infused bristles are used as a dental enhancer and does not add to the bristles compostable qualities. On the other hand, charcoal infused bristles might aid in whitening teeth.

Click images below for our top picks.

Bamboozled’s vegan toothbrush is made with recyclable charcoal infused bristles
Native Birds’ beautifully designed toothbrush is 99% compostable w/ charcoal infused bristles
Kimz offers compostable handle and soft charcoal bristles
Isshah offers Biodegradable handle and packaging with charcoal infused bristles

The Take-Away on the Environmentally-Friendly Toothbrush

To sum it up, every bit counts! We believe that change is contagious. Your positive choices will inspire those in your community. While we don’t have the perfect option for an environmentally-friendly toothbrush yet, there are companies working hard to find solutions. Meanwhile, let’s focus on the options we do have and let’s use our knowledge to educate others.

Whichever environmentally-friendly toothbrush you choose, pull out those bristles before tossing the handle in the compost!

If you need more guidance choosing environmentally friendly products — check out Our Guide to Eco-Friendly Razors.

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