Eco-Friendly Travel: Part I


Ahoy travelers! This is part I of our complete guide to eco-friendly travel.

It’s summer, which means vacations, which means traveling, which means SO MUCH SINGLE USE PLASTIC.

Just think back to every plane ride you have ever taken. The amount of plastic waste generated from tiny cups, single use straws, cutlery, packaged food, and water bottles is seriously out of control. It makes us here at Eco-Friendly cringe.

But, fear not ye brave Eco-Warrior! We are here to show you the complete guide to Eco-Friendly travel. This first edition focuses on how to avoid using plastic on airplanes.

The biggest obstacle is being shy, or being self conscious when you whip out all your Eco-Friendly products on an airplane.

We want to remind you that change starts with the individual. That WE are the voice of the environment, and the weirdo squished in the seat next to you is just feeling jealous and guilty that they are not prepared like you.

So, fight on Team Earth. Fasten your seatbelts and just say NO to single use plastic!

Random Fun Fact: Out of all the places on the map this person could point, she is pointing close to my hometown in Michigan. Do yourself a favor and go somewhere more exotic. (said with mad Michigan pride of course.)

Eco-Friendly Drinking

When traveling it is especially hard to be vigilant enough to say no to styrofoam, plastic cups, bottles, and straws. The key to eco-friendly travel is to have the stuff accessible and on hand. This will increase you chances of remembering to say “NO” (politely of course) before they bring you those items.

Collapsible coffee mug! Amazing! So tiny, so cute, so useful.
We, like most adults, enjoy those adult beverages. Especially on airplanes. These are a snazzy alternative to plastic!
Hey, we get it. YOU FANCY. We are too. Super classy. These fold up, and you can drink anything, anywhere in total style.

Eco-Friendly Eating

Okay, so airplane food is bad enough (if existent at all….). We don’t want to make the experience anymore harrowing by repeatedly shoving a single use fork into our mouths, that we know will ultimately end up in some baby bird’s stomach or something (yeah, it happens).

My dudes. This has literally everything. Look no further.
For the earthier, less flashy types.
This has everything and is a FREAKING RAINBOW. So cool.

Eco-Friendly Snacking

Wow, not only are you like so totally prepared to show off your no plastic skills to the rest of the travelers, you are one of those kinda annoying people that prepares everything in advance. It’s okay, we still love you. We are just jealous. OR maybe you are trying really hard to be more annoying and prepare things in advance. OR maybe you have kids! Either way, we love you and we got you. Here are some awesome Eco-Friendly travel snacking swag.

Collapsible, microwavable, freezable, dishwasher safe, many sizes, BPA-free, PINK AND CUTE. What more do you want, really?
Oh, you don’t want pink ones? Fine fine. Here are some other dope colors.
For liquids, small snacks, drippy things. Whatever. Super useful!

Eco-Friendly Snack Time: Part II

My favorite thing is snacks. Really. SO much that there is a part II. And if you are showing off your mad Eco-Friendly travel skills and people get jealous, just offer them snacks. It is the universal peace-making tool. Here are some awesome ziplock style reusable bags we think are really helpful.

4-pack, reusable & biodegradable ziplock style!
WHOA, that’s a lot of snacks. We hope are next you on that airplane. 12-pack, reusable & biodegradable ziplock style.
6-pack, reusable & biodegradable ziplock style!

Eco-Friendly Travel Bag

Cool! You got all this dope stuff so you can save the world from becoming a fireball, and all the little animals from a life of pain! Good job. Pat on the back. Your work is never done though, so don’t relax too much. But you need a nice bag to keep all of your Eco-Friendly travel stuff in one place, right? Right. Have at it.

WOW THESE ARE CUTE. You don’t even have to choose an animal because you get them ALL. So you can use them for travel, and shopping, and showing off how much you love animals!
We love this because it provides structure and insulation, plus you can personalize it if you want!
This comes in different styles if you are not into this pattern, but we love it because it is spacious but simple, structural but sexy.

Need more Eco-Friendly advice? Head here for some toothbrush alternatives!

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